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10 January 2025

News from the Old Theocsbrian Society

News from the Old Theocsbrian Society: what it has been doing and what is planned


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Newsletter Jan 2017

Mike Hurley President

Dear Fellow Theocsbrian,

It is my pleasure to send you the first Old Theocsbrian newsletter for 2017. As president of the Society I have
carried out the traditional duties, attending Remembrance Sunday brought back several memories to me, firstly
as I marched passed the Town Hall following the Air Cadets from 785 Squadron I thought I could hear Flight
Sergeant Roy Taylor and secondly the occasion also reminded me of my father, who fought in World War One
with the 8th Hussars. I can still see him pinning on his medals; pip, squeak and Wilfred before joining the
parade. The wreath laying was a solemn ceremony dedicated to the sacrifice of many Old Theocsbrians, 34 in
the first war and 15 in the second. Their names are recorded on the Old Theocsbrian seat in the Abbey
Churchyard and also on a plaque in the Town Hall. During the morning I appreciated the help I received from
Harry Robertson.

Following the Remembrance Service I had the opportunity to present a £100 cheque, from the Society to the
town Mayor, Karen Brennan, towards her charity a mobile chemo van. Fortunately she was in full regalia which
made the website photograph much more appealing. The Society also donated a similar amount to the local
British Legion. My next formal duty is to attend the Mayor Making ceremony in May.

To send a newsletter in January is a new initiative by the Society attempting to keep members interest and
informed. I am grateful to Colin Osborne who has been checking the archives and in particular secretary Dereck
Freeman for bringing together all the various contributions.

The next edition will be sent at the customary time in July. I would be particularly grateful for any articles that
can be included in that issue. Also if you have any material that could be added to our archives then please
contact me or a member of the committee.

Finally I send good wishes to all members and more importantly the best of health for 2017.

Mike Hurley
President Old Theocsbrian Society
PS I hope everyone will make a BIG effort to attend the annual dinner at The Gupshill Manor, on 30 September

Next Article Newsletter Jul 17
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